About 18 months ago Communicopia created the world’s first research report on the state of digital teams in non-profits. The report was downloaded by over 1,000 NGO’s from around the world, and has successfully helped inspire hundreds to re-think or re-structure their digital or communications teams.
We are excited to announce that we are releasing a 2013 version of report with fresh data this fall!
Today we are asking Digital or Communications Directors at non-profits to complete the 2013 digital teams survey now.
The survey will take about 20 mins to complete, and your responses to the 35 questions will help all non-profits better understand and optimize their digital teams and programs. It can be filled in anonymously, however if you provide contact information we will enter you into a draw for a $250 donation in your name to a cause of your choice.
All answers will be kept in strictest confidence and only reported in aggregate.
If you are responsible for digital at a non-profit, please complete the 2013 Non-profit Digital Teams survey now.
Why digital teams matter
When we first set out to create this report in 2011, our goals were to better understand how non-profits of various sizes staffed and structured their digital programs. This was based on our hunch that culture, structure, and people have a more significant impact on the outbound success of our digital programs than almost any other factor, and our observation that these were also among the least understood and discussed topics in our sector.
We wanted to start a conversation about the importance of digital teams, and catalyze more organizations to think about – or re-think entirely – how their structures either enabled or limited innovation and success over the long haul.
Since we first released the report 18 months ago, we’ve presented about digital teams to hundreds of NGO leaders, have had countless in-depth conversations with digital and communications directors, and have audited or re-structured more than a dozen teams.
What we consistently find: while there are clear patterns across all organizations, every group is unique, and the “right way” to structure, resource, and lead teams depends on multiple organizational, political, and cultural factors. Factors we need to shine more light on in the ever elusive quest to optimize our important work in a complex, always changing world.
Now it’s time to update the report with fresh data, and that’s where you come in!
Please complete the survey now.
Thanks for contributing to the deepening of knowledge in our sector!