What new approaches are advocacy orgs using to successfully manage digital, and campaign and engagement innovation more widely? What are today’s most common team structures? Who are the essential digital roles and who tops hiring wish lists? How have these and other trends changed over time?
Help define the new landscape for digital teams: Survey
When we created the world’s first Digital Teams Report in 2011 and updated it 3 years later, it was downloaded thousands of times, presented in hundreds of staff meetings, and started a powerful new conversation in the space about people, structure, and culture. So when we were approached by Austen Levihn-Coon and Jenn Sturm, formerly of Fission Strategy and the ACLU, to update the report with fresh data, we jumped at the chance to find out what’s new and what’s changed with teams doing digital engagement today.
Will you contribute by taking our survey today?
This new digital engagement teams survey will, as previous ones have, start a fresh dialogue about the biggest sources of growth, change, opportunity, and tension inside orgs right now. We promise it will make you think. We’re all excited to see what we learn.
The survey should be taken by the person responsible for digital engagement at an org where advocacy is one of the principal missions. It will take about 20 mins to complete.