Thanks to the New Zealand Drug Foundation, we’ll be heading back to the Asia-Pacific region next month to share our insights into modern organizing and mobilizing techniques with progressive movement kiwis.
Visiting Wellington, Christchurch, and Auckland, the trainings are subsidized – tickets are normally $350 each – and are open to all progressive organizers. We’ve very grateful for the opportunity! You can register here.
To achieve lasting change in today’s complex world we need to tap into new sources of people power. Integrating the principles of “directed-network campaigning” into our advocacy approaches is a shortcut towards generating much greater impact with existing resources.
These full-day workshops run by NetChange have been delivered in major cities across the US, Canada, and Australia. These intimate sessions will allow participants to ask questions, and provide workshop strategies relevant to their own cases. Participants will come away with concrete plans for implementing leading-edge campaigning practices into their operations.
The NZ Drug Foundation is hosting these workshops for NGOs, community organisations and change-makers as part of our role supporting a strong civil society in Aotearoa New Zealand.
*** Participants will learn these tools and skills: ***
- How to design people-powered campaigns
- How to balance hybrid bottom up/top down structures within the same organisation
- Guiding grassroots power towards concrete outcomes
- Tracking growth and impact of networked campaigning models.
*** Workshops will include: ***
- Feedback and coaching from an experienced strategist
- Collective problem-solving exercises addressing specific attendee challenges
- A resource kit drawn from over 40 case studies.
*** NetChange: network-directed campaigns via ***
Learnings in this training are drawn from years of work studying the strategies and practices that lie behind today’s most dynamic organizations and campaigns. This includes high-impact case studies such as the Bernie Sanders grassroots mobilization machine, the global climate movement and divestment from Adani coalmine actions in Australia.
NetChange’s research has been featured in the Stanford Social Innovation Review and Third Sector in the U.K and presented at conferences such as the Personal Democracy Forum and Netroots Nation.
*** About the trainer: Tom Liacas ***
Tom cut his teeth as a strategist pioneering distributed organizing tactics as global coordinator of Adbusters’ Buy Nothing Day in the late nineties. An avowed digital people-power wonk, his insights on the power of networked social movements have led him to speak repeatedly before the leaders of major NGOs. As Senior Strategist with NetChange Consulting, he helps social movements and causes gain traction through the application of new networked strategies. He writes frequently on these subjects for The Stanford Social Innovation Review, Mashable, Mobilisation Lab and Open Democracy.
*** Don’t delay, register now ***
Spend a day learning along others about how we can have more impact reshaping the world where everybody and the planet thrives.
You can register here.