The directed network campaigning model presented in our Networked Change report, continues to catch on around the world. Learn more at our free webinar this week, or at deeper dive trainings coming soon in Washington, D.C. and Australia.
We are happy to announce that we are now working with Salsa, a leading provider of a member engagement and donor management software platform that is used by over 10,000 organizations to fuel great causes across the globe. Groups that integrate solutions like Salsa’s will be equipped to do the member listening and data-driven testing that are key parts of the directed network campaigning model.
For a start, here are two events we are hosting with Salsa:
Join us on April 19 at 3PM ET and learn how today’s breakthrough campaigns capitalize on new channels of power and supporter engagement.

NetChange senior strategist Tom Liacas will share how integrating the principles of “directed-network” campaigning helps generate much greater power and impact on your cause, organization, and movement.
This FREE webinar will share:
- The strategic patterns common to all modern campaigns that punch well above their weight.
- Lessons from high-impact campaigns such as the Bernie Sanders grassroots mobilization machine and the global climate movement.
- How these campaigns enabled their supporter potential and balanced hybrid bottom-up/top-down structures within the same organization.
Full day training in Washington D.C. this May: Reinventing Advocacy Campaigns to Win in the 21st Century
Today’s breakthrough campaigns capitalize on new channels of power and supporter engagement. Integrating the principles of “directed-network campaigning” into your advocacy approaches is a shortcut towards generating much greater impact with your existing resources.
Reserve your place on Eventbrite here
Drawing upon lessons from high-impact case studies such as the Bernie Sanders grassroots mobilization machine, the global climate movement and the Fightfor15, this half-day training will outline the strategic patterns common to all modern campaigns that punch well above their weight. At the end of this session, participants will come away with concrete plans for implementing leading-edge campaigning practices into their operations and will be aware of the new skills and resources required to do so.
Building an approach through understanding
- How the advocacy landscape has shifted in the past 15 years
- Your supporters and their new expectations
- The advantages of distributed organizing
- The power of “swarming” collective targets
- The cost-efficiency of new open approaches
Participants come away with these key tools and skills
- How to design people-powered campaigns
- How to balance hybrid bottom-up/top-down structures within the same organization
- Guiding grassroots power towards concrete outcomes
- Tracking growth and impact of networked campaigning models
More information and tickets available here
Up next: our Australia training tour! Information on our training events coming to Australia this June will be posted to our training section soon. If you want to bring us to your town please get in touch!